Winter 2001


Virginia R Terris

How, Mother, dressed as you were
in that ragged sweater and cotton housedress
poked out in front by your little pot belly,
your graying hair pinned back, your eyes
snapping behind your goldrimmed glasses,
and how, Father, in your blue chambray shirt
and shapeless trousers, bending half bald
over the plate set before you
and both of you quibbling and I listening
with the informed contempt of a ten-year old
seeing you could never make peace between you -
could you expect me to believe you had taken my sled
the night before up the moonlit hill
rutted with snow to bellywhop for hours
until having had enough you came
laughing and rosy into the house ready
to warm yourselves?

Virginia R. Terris has published four collections of poetry. Her work has appeared in many journals and anthologies, such as The Nation, The New Yorker, and New Letters. She compiled Meaningful Differences: The Poetry and Prose of David Ignatow (1994), edited his At My Ease: Uncollected Poems of the Fifties and Sixties (1998), and co-edited his last collection, Living Was What I Wanted (1999). She has also written many articles and reviews for journals and encyclopedia.


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