Fall/Winter 2014

Andy Clausen


We felt then, way back then
            that the humming nimbus moon
            the necklaces & belts
                        of the midnight sky
The emerald blood that shot the panoramic
            poppies and columbines toward
                        the vibrating sun
Requisitioned our dancing

We danced for rain
We danced for cloudless days
We danced for strength for peace
            for fertility
                        for health for beauty
We danced to invoke spirits
            to awaken gods
                        and the animal inside

Some say the stars affect the careers
            of our lives
It seems everything affects everything
Therefore we affect the stars
            dancing under them

We have some dancing to do

Andy Clausen is a Radical Latter Day Beat Futurian Free Thinker. His latest book is, HOME OF THE BLUES (Museum Of American Poetics). He’s now manicuring his memoir, THE LATTER DAYS OF THE BEAT GENERATION, A First Hand Account and shares a website with partner Pamela Twining www.woosdtockbeatpoet.com



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