Fall/Winter 2015-2016

Gareth Writer-Davies


after Philip Larkin

lying together
in the flat waters of the tub

arms and legs
tangled like sister and brother

it should be easy to be honest

the soap passing between us
like a warm stone

the world beyond the mirror
not caring for us

but unused to this new element
we are short of words

desire weak
in the atmosphere of steam

lying together in the suds
if not kind

we are not unclean
and not untrue to each other

Gareth Writer-Davies was Commended in the Prole Laureate Competition in 2015 and Specially Commended in the Welsh Poetry Competition, Shortlisted for the Bridport Prize and the Erbacce Prize in 2014. His pamphlet "Bodies", was published in 2015 through Indigo Dreams.



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