When I die
I want you to name some sort of food after me
a sandwich, a salad, even just a mixed drink. It can be ```
something that already has a regular name, like
peanut butter and jelly, Waldorf, gimlet.
Just add something different, like pomegranate seeds,
or a teeny tiny umbrella, something to set it apart
Make it look like something new.
I don’t need a fancy headstone
poems read or songs sung at my funeral.
Just make sure I find my way into someone’s lunchsack
or hastily scribbled onto an unsuspecting menu
casually dropped in conversations about
exciting local cuisine or
unacceptable changes made to home-cooked standards. |
Holly Day lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she teaches writing classes at the Loft Literary Center. Her published books include Music Theory for Dummies, Music Composition for Dummies, Guitar All-in-One for Dummies, Piano All-in-One for Dummies, A Brief History of Nordeast Minneapolis, Late-Night Reading for Hardworking Construction Men, The Smell of Snow , and The Book Of.