Fall/Winter 2015-2016



 It was a pleasure to edit the UK edition of Poetrybay.  And for me, it was a celebration of 10 years of poetry road trips in the US, spanning East and West Coasts and the Mid West and 10 years of being an Associate Editor of Poetrybay.

I had a core group of poets to draw upon whose work I admire and whom I know personally. I widened it out to invite poets whose work I enjoy but who I didn’t personally know. After that it was a further rippling out to include poets from different parts of the UK and to get a balance between male and female poets.

I’m thrilled with the outcome.

To all the poets: thank you. And to dear friend and poet George Wallace, thanks for inviting me to undertake this project.


Geraldine Green 




Poetrybay seeks fine poetry, reviews, commentary and essays without restriction in form or content, and reserves first electronic copyright to all work published. All rights to published work revert to the author following publication. All Email submissions should be in body of email text.

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all rights revert to authors

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