
Antonio Bellia

AUTISM - Virgin Realm

I saw you crossing the crowd,
Following, holding someone's hand,
Your head gently bowed.
Your eyes like precious onyx
Floating without aim into nothing,
Seemingly unaware of everyone's presence,
Immune to mingling needs,
Not affected by social demand.  

My mind became magnetized by yours.
What is in your world
That so intensely entertains you?
I want to know, I want to go in it.
Perhaps I could hold your hand
And with you learn to stare
At that same emptiness
And perhaps discover
A new realm of of immensity,
Becoming a pilgrim in it.  

Unexpectedly, those magnificent
pieces of rare onyx lifted,
And, crossing that small crowd, find me.
Feeling transfixed, pierced by your glance,
My heart nearly stopped,
As if for a moment I became your emptiness.
I could have been the emptiness you always see,
But I know I was not;
Your eyes, like lightening, aimed at me
Intentionally, strikingly,
Creating a bridge for mine to enter yours  

I encountered you there;
You are beautiful, you are you
You are not what you have become,
You are what you are, not what you have to be --
Uniquely you.

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