
Emily Klein


Snot rockets on the ground
Bicycle chains tightly wound
You are standing too close to me.
Front door whistles
Back up trucks
Hot garbage tin can takeover
Curly locks and pulled up socks
It’s their holiday.
Tunnels form the underground.
Metal grate landscapes.
Ebony women adorned in scrubs
Emanates of careful caress and love.
You are standing too close to me.
Cardboard boxes
On corners
Lay still and lifeless.
Back alley artists
Existing only on cement.
You are standing too close to me.
Recorded announcements
To signal your arrival.
Feet first
To snotty nosed benzes
Grass fed
Fiji drinking
Drowning in their sorrows.
Blaring sounds of disenchantment
Far away
From me.

Sprawling sods
Filled with demi gods
Picket fences
Grade school glances
As mom looks on
Supermarket fliers
Nanny for hire
Fair market value.
Far away
From me.
Designer dog walks
Long legs of lycra
Stream through streets
Live with wifi
Candy coated characters
Far away
From me
I am home.      

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