I would like to extend my gratitude to the many organizations and individuals who provided support for the Big Sur Marathon Reading.

My thanks to co-organizers Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!, The North Beach Chamber of Commerce, Kerouac Writer in Residence Project, the Northport Historical Society and Museum.

Appreciation is extended to our partners in this event, who provided sponsorship support, including the Huntington Arts Council, Long Island Poetry Collective, Lowell Heritage State Park (and supervisor Richard Scott), Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!, and The Globe coffeehouse, Orlando.

Special thanks go to Marsha Garland, Dariana Hayward, James Stauffer, Loren Ford, Marty and Jan Cummins, Lawrence Carradini and BJ Cassidy for their hard work as associate producers. Critical organizational assistance was provided by Margaret Logreira, Poppy Peabody, Kate Kelly, Kathy Paschal of LabMedia, Mary Sands and Jack Foley.

The participation of each volunteer reader and musician is something I deeply appreciate and though they are too numerous to name here, I thank them for their talent and time.

My thanks to Denise Boccicchio, Island Guide, for her talent in creating www.poembeat.com, the official marathon reading website and to all those who contributed materials to the site.

Grateful appreciation is also extended to The Estate of Jack Kerouac, administrator John Sampas; and to Carolyn Cassady and Stanley Twardowicz, who made available, or who granted permission for use of, materials for promotion and production of the reading.

And of course, an affectionate tip of the hat must go to Honorary Co-Chairs David Amram and Carolyn Cassady, constant inspirations without whom this four-city event would not have been possible.

-George Wallace