Billy Cancel

in this cosmos of monster heads looped organ sample
who can emphasize a mouthful of jagged teeth? i am
full of moss laurel rhododendron lichen someone save
me from old religious framework & new media constructs
where flux stopper & this layered temporality ‘tis
all bob the story of scorpling 40 going north at
an advanced stage of tide out is it? from the sun
deck overlooking devil’s blind spot a huddle of
silhouettes peered down at me in that unsophisticated
scam i was the wrong riff faced with the punch
line inadvertently flipped nuclear lake a real
knock down drag out no one was going to put me on a pedestal or
large steps rising off the ground & into the ideal fact i am in the
business of massive popping eyes & communicate
across multiple platforms tossing a coin
into a gargoyle’s mouth this is the era of
phenomenal flux where about the peripheries buzz
hungus fizzes about & cracker’s eye view of a vast poem will
be cleared of vegetation lit by
electronics highly abbreviated hard edged


BILLY CANCEL has recently appeared in Pouch, Boston Review & Skidrow Penthouse. His collection MOCK TROUGH RASPING CROW is to be published by BlazeVox later this year. Billy Cancel is 1/2 of the noise duo Tidal Channel. Aberrations at