Paul Blackburn

I used to walk up
hills with my bicycle
in my arms
it seemed too hard to pedal
against the grain.

At the tops, I paused in expectation
until, like an unrestrained dare-
devil, I would pedal furiously
exhilarating in the thrill

The inevitable day came
when the brakes didn’t work
I hit a wall with both my feet
scraping the ground
attempting to anchor to
some kind of reality

My neighbours called out
incoherently but sincerely
leaving me dazed, confused, struggling
wondering if I should/could ride again

My bike and I survive but
today, it’s pedaling only up hill
leaving the downhill madness
to you.

PAUL BLACKBURN is an award winning writer residing in Manchester England. In the 1980s, he had a vision that poetry would be the new rock and roll and set off on a journey to make his fortune. After a brief spell of success on national TV, he now lives in penury in a cardboard box dreaming of better times.

