Fall/Winter 2014

Grace Cavalieri


                (blues singer once known as “Little Esther”)

After clinging so hard to the side of the ship
Along the edge
There was only water beneath
The steep hill climbed made hard with feet
After the snow in hot places
Distant and hungry
The blood you shared, not mythical but actual
Not at this late state, Little Esther, not now when
You sang “What A Difference A Day Makes”
Don’t go back now where there is no music
Your face is in your hands like used soil
Sing it out again. You’re almost home.
Don’t take that sick stuff more.
Chase those devils back. Don’t leave us. Not after all this.

Grace Cavalieri is the founder/producer/host of "The Poet and the Poem from the Library of Congress" and still going strong, celebrating 37 years on-air. She has 18 books and chapbooks of poetry published; and 26 plays produced. Her new books of poems (2014) are The Man Who Got Away and The Mandate of Heaven.



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