Doting on dust motes it occurs to me
the Universe began as a dot,
each of us began as a dot,
a sentence ends with a dot,
we put a dot over our small "i"
and seen form 100 feet up
we look like a dot
and in the brain of that dot
the idea
Just as there are intergalactic extraterrestrials
from other solar systems in our galaxy,
So there are extragalactic extraterrestrials
from other galaxies in our Universe,
Plus extraUniverse extraterrestrials
from other Universes simultaneous to ours,
And just as it'd be inconceivable and preposterous
for us to try to teach all we know
to an amoeba,
So it'd be inconceivable and preposterous
for intergalactic extraterrestrials
to try to teach all they know to us,
Or for extragalactic extraterrestrials
to try to teach all they know
to intergalactic extraterrestrials,
Or for extraUniverse extraterrestrials
to try to teach all they know
to extragalactic extraterrestrials
When extraUniverse extraterrestrials
are as far beyond extragalactic extraterrestrials
as extragalactic extraterrestrials
are beyond intergalactic extraterrestrials
as intergalactic extraterrestrials
are beyond us
as we are beyond
an ameoba
as an amoeba is beyond
the idea
In the brain of a dot
that knows it looks like a dot
100 feet up
and knows we must dot our "i"
and end our sentence with a dot
in which each of us began as a dot
doting on dust notes it occurs to me...