Graham Everett


Edward Harsen Dislocated
Peter Neil Carroll What, Me Worry?
Dd. Spungin

A Man, A Plan

Vicki Iorio

Michael Dickman, For The First Time

Carolyn Raphael Sleeping With Darth Vader
George Northrup First Presbyterian
Pramila Venkateswaran A Wife Responds To The Photographer
David Axelrod Gothic
Ellen Pickus Memory
Si Perchik


Sue Pilewski

This Poem Is Not America

Ruth Sabath Rosenthal

Little Girls and their Daddies

Andy Boerum Falling Through Idioms
Barbara Southard Borders
Maria Manobianco

Between Silence

Lucas Hunt

East Landing

Jay Jii Droplets of Late July
Annabelle Moseley  The Dolls Have No Hands
Peter Dugan As touch turns to entropy
Jackie Moss

Methadone Mother

Antonio Bellia Autism -- Virgin Realm
Alex Russo The Melody That Haunts
Terri Muuss

The Shoe

Jean Hoffman Time
Deborah Hauser

Walking On Broken Glass

Robert Savino

The Ox In Me

Matt Pasca

Rainer and the Rio Grande

Rosalind Brenner      Night Fishing
Beverly Kotch

Long Island Byways

Adam Penna

How Stones Must See Themselves

Lenny Greco

Film Noir Room

Richard Bronson

A Musical History Lesson

Barbara Reiher-Meyers

If Life Gives You Lemons, Buy Melons

Gayl Teller

Electromagnetic Beauty  

Adam Fisher

Their Daughter

Barbara Hoffman

American Buddha

Barbara Novack

Too Far

Charles Peter Watson


Evelyn Kandel

River Thoughts

Ed Stever

This Ain’t A Rant

Carolyn Emerson

Amidst The Cacti

Harvey Feinstein

Barking Dog, Sunday Morning

Claire Nicolas White


Linda Opyr


Nancy Keating

Sorting Shells

Charlene Knadle

Who’s Who

Jon Sanborne


James Bernstein

High School

Matt Curiale

Mother’s Day

Alexandra van de Kamp

Suspended Breath

Janice Bishop


Lynn Carroll Cohen

Cornelia Street Café

Ed Luhrs

To The Francophile

Carol Sherman

Whale Rider

Richard Walsh

Meeting Loren Eiseley

Antje Katcher

For S.C.  

Kathleen Donnelly


J R Turek

To The Man On The Moon

Karen Steffak Jakubowski

A Day in the ‘Spirality’ Of Autism

Lisa James

Trios in Triplicate


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first electronic copyright 2000 poetrybay. 
all rights revert to author



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